Continuing Education

Counseling Patients on Yoga With Cultural Humility to Improve Health Equity: A Guide for Clinicians

Rachel S. Wasson, PhD, Kelsey M. Dietrich, MA, Vrinda Munjal, MB, and Audrey A. Potts, MB


Over the past two decades, the number of research articles investigating yoga for health has increased substantially. This interest in yoga is mirrored in the general public, with reports of yoga engagement growing at a greater rate. Health providers remain hesitant to discuss yoga with patients due to perceptions of inadequate information or experience to appropriately counsel patients. There is a discrepancy between the general population’s utilization of yoga and the rigor of current literature. As more robust research emerges about yoga for health, mental health clinicians can prepare to discuss yoga with patients. This paper reviews types of yoga practices, an overview of current literature on yoga for mental health, and cultural factors to consider to promote health equity.

Keywords: yoga, mental health, culture, diversity, health equity

Credit 1
Level Intermediate
Price $25.00
Learning Objectives
  1. Explain the core components of yoga and their potential mental and physical health benefits, including integration with evidence-based psychotherapy treatments.
  2. Identify barriers to yoga access for patients from diverse socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds and describe how cultural humility and the ADDRESSING model can support clinicians in addressing these barriers.
  3. Assess how trauma-sensitive yoga (TSY) can be used in therapeutic settings, particularly for individuals with PTSD, and the importance of collaboration with patients’ healthcare teams in recommending yoga as part of integrated treatment.

Wasson, R. S., Dietrich, K. M., Munjal, V., & Potts, A. A. (2024). Counseling Patients on Yoga With Cultural Humility to Improve Health Equity: A Guide for Clinicians. Journal of Health Service Psychology, 50(4).

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