Continuing Education

Family Treatment for Moderate Child Alienation

Leonard T. Gries, PhD, and James R. Gries, PsyD

Child alienation is manifested by significant resistance to parental contact that is disproportional to actual past experience. Individual interviews and questionnaires with all parties and structured family interactions are needed to assess presence and severity. In cases of moderate alienation, a family treatment model featuring psychoeducation, inclusive family goal setting, progressive desensitization, exposure, and development of a new family narrative is recommended.

Year 2019
Credit 1
Level Intermediate
Price $25.00
Learning Objectives
  1. Explain how to diagnose and assess child alienation.
  2. Demonstrate intervention strategies to address child alienation with parents and children.

Gries, L. T. & Gries, J. R. (2019). Family treatment for moderate child alienation. Journal of Health Service Psychology, 45, 105–113.

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