Continuing Education

Psychological Considerations Related to Celiac Disease in Pediatric Populations

Mi-Young Ryee, PhD

For many reasons, mental health providers may be the first point of contact for a patient with undiagnosed celiac disease. Therefore, increasing awareness and education about celiac disease can help improve detection of youth who should be referred for medical evaluation. Additionally, psychologists can help treat the emotional and behavioral difficulties related to coping with celiac disease for children and adolescents as well as their families.

Year 2016
Credit 1
Level Intermediate
Price $25.00
Learning Objectives
  1. Discuss the role psychologists have in treating celiac disease in pediatric populations.
  2. Demonstrate understanding of the psycho-social factors related to celiac disease.

Ryee, M. (2016). Psychological Considerations Related to Celiac Disease in Pediatric Populations. The Register Report, 42, 24-29.

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