Continuing Education

Sustaining Ourselves in Challenging Times: Ethical and Risk Management Perspectives (Archived)

Leisl Bryant, PhD, ABPP

Self-care is a sine qua non of good clinical work, sound risk management, and the long-term sustainability of psychology service delivery. Now it is even more important as the unique pressures of our current national emergency unfold and we are grappling with unprecedented change in our practices, intensified stress in our clients, and disruptions in everyone’s homelife. This webinar focuses on what self-care is, the ethical and legal obligations that make it essential, the risks of not attending to it, and strategies for living self-care and self-sustainability as a daily practice rather than another item on the ‘To Do’ list.

Year 2020
Credit 1
Level Intermediate
Price $35.00
Learning Objectives
  1. Describe what self-care is and why it matters ethically and from a risk management perspective.
  2. Identify at least six risks of not addressing self-care and four warning signs.
  3. Apply at least four strategies for prioritizing and practicing self-care in order to minimize risk to clinicians, their clients, and their businesses.

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