Affirmative Sexual Health Care for Transgender & Nonbinary Youth: Toward a Sex-Positive Approach

Transgender and nonbinary (TNB) youth face unique health care challenges that result in and maintain health disparities. A general lack of provider competence perpetuates negative health care experiences and subsequent avoidance of care. This is of particular concern when it comes to sexual health care, an area of increased vulnerability for TNB youth. This paper outlines the necessity of providing sex-positive care that is culturally competent, TNB-affirmative, and patient-centered. The authors forward a comprehensive sex-positive framework for sexual health practice with TNB youth, which includes providing inclusive and culturally competent assessment, increasing precision and inclusiveness of medical language, a reliance on consent-based approaches, and respect for patient autonomy. Additional considerations include recognizing resilience as a positive factor and being a patient advocate while navigating legal and parental objections to treatment.